Geomagnetic storms online

Geomagnetic storms

Geomagnetic storms online: strong geomagnetic storms will hit the Earth in September. Which days will be the most dangerous? Scientists warn of strange fluctuations in the geomagnetic field.
November 19 — very strong geomagnetic storms with a force of 6 points.
November 21 — 28 — strong geomagnetic storms with a force of 5 points.

Geomvagnetic storms online by the hour

geomagnetic storms today hourly and for the last days. geomagnetic storms today hourly and for the last days.


Magnetic storms today and for 3 days

Magnetic storms today and for 3 days
geomagnetic storms today and for 3 days

Planetary K-Index Interpretation of the K-index

K5 — weak geomagnetic storm
K6 — average geomagnetic storm
K7 — strong geomagnetic storm
K8 — very strong geomagnetic storm
K9 is an extremely strong geomagnetic storm.

Magnetic storm forecast for the next week

Magnetic storm — forecast of geomagnetic storms for the next month.

расписание магнитных бурь сентябрь 2023 года
Geomagnetic storm schedule — geomagnetic storm forecast for the next month

Sun flares

Solar flares today online monitoring
Solar flares today online monitoring

Levels of geomagnetic storms and solar flares

Solar activity for several days and for today
Solar activity for several days and for today

Magnetic storms online monitoring

Для более точного прогноза, онлайн мониторинг магнитных бурь на сегодня проводится на основании данных, поступающих из различных систем мониторинга магнитных бурь. Рентгенограммы GOES используются для отслеживания солнечной активности и солнечных вспышек, влияющих на магнитные бури на Земле.

Magnetic storms online monitoring
Geomagnetic storms online monitoring


Magnetic field disturbance level — geomagnetic field components

Dependences of Schumann resonance frequencies in hertz on local time.
Dependences of variations in geomagnetic field components on local time.
Local time is expressed in hours of Tomsk Summer Daylight Time (TLDV). TLDV=UTC+7hours.

Geomagnetic storms and solar wind — Change of geomagnetic storms from the sun towards the Earth

Magnetic storms and solar wind
Geomagnetic storms and solar wind

Solar wind and geomagnetic storms

Solar wind towards Earth over the past 3 days
Solar wind towards Earth over the past 3 days

Online geomagnetic storm forecast

Online geomagnetic storm forecast: one of the major geomagnetic storms in 2023 is expected on September 19th on Earth. This was reported on the website of the Laboratory of X-ray Solar Astronomy of the Physical Institute named after. P. N. Lebedev RAS (FIAN).

In September, strong geomagnetic storms will occur throughout the month — they will be quite strong, level G2. Hypertensive patients and other heart patients may feel unwell. These days, doctors advise giving up physical and mental labor and canceling all important meetings. Weather-dependent people should pay special attention to their health during geomagnetic storms. In general, the second ten days of the month will be very difficult for weather-dependent people. During this period there will be two fairly strong geomagnetic storms, one of which will be very protracted and will last several days.

Complaints of weather-dependent people:
— headache and dizziness;
— surges in blood pressure and pulse;
— insomnia;
— hot temper and irritability;
— feeling tired;
— apathy;
— joint pain;
— lack of air;
— nervous disorders, attacks of fear, various phobias and manias.


How to make yourself feel better during geomagnetic storms?

Magnetic storms affect people’s well-being; the majority of the retirement age population is dependent on solar flares. You should not overwork it, avoid stress and intense physical activity. On the day when a geomagnetic storm occurs, pay attention to your diet — it should be balanced, without fatty, smoked and spicy foods. Introduce fruits and vegetables, as well as vitamins, into your diet.
During geomagnetic storms, it is advisable to give up bad habits, strict diets, and alcohol. Spend more time outdoors with your family.

In addition, if you have the opportunity to rest during a geomagnetic storm, it is better to sleep. During sleep, fluctuations affect the body less than during work.

Calendar of geomagnetic storms in November 2023

Магнитные бури сегодня
Geomagnetic storms online

Magnetic storms are directly dependent on solar flares, therefore, for your convenience, we also monitor such a parameter as solar activity and, based on it, we provide a detailed forecast of geomagnetic storms.

Geomagnetic storms online over the last three days

Magnetic storms over the last three days
Geomagnetic storms over the last three days

Since geomagnetic storms have a huge impact on human health, in order to be aware of the current state of the geomagnetosphere, we present for you a graph — geomagnetic storms today, as well as a forecast of geomagnetic storms for the week, month and year.
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